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در این قسمت شما می توانید آپدیت جدید نرم افزار Cinema 4d R17 رو دانلود کنید.
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لینک دانلود آپدیت 0.48

قابلیت های این آپدیت
Fixed an issue with Euler filter and track types
Sketch and Toon is now available in hardware render settings
Fixed an issue with artefact on overlapping Sketch and Toon lines
Fixed an issue with Hair in secondary specular multi-pass
Fixed an issue with Blocksize 128 AES File
Fixed an issue with weight transferring
Fixed an issue with Collision deformer memory usage
Fixed an issue with console errors with Character Builder
Fixed an issue with Weight effector naming
Fixed an issue with Update Merge material update
Fixed an issue with Update Merge and Sky object
Fixed an issue with Update Merge material update and UVW tags
Fixed an issue with Update Merge and materials
Fixed an issue with Update and selection tags
Mode of the Color Chooser is now passed to the pop-up when clicking on the current color
Fixed an issue with loading multiple swatch
Fixed an issue with Color Chooser pan in image mode
Fixed an issue with double-click on color value slider in Color Chooser
Fixed an issue with color swatches in Color Chooser
Fixed a typo in the name of "Complementary" mode in Color Chooser
Fixed an issue with saturation when working in Color Wheel mode
Fixed an issue with reordering color swatches in Color Chooser
Fixed an issue with Monochromatic mode in Color Chooser
Fixed an issue with renaming of folders
Fixed and issue with Collision deformer threading
Fixed an issue with Shrink Wrap deformer and SDS
Fixed the URL to order the full Cinema 4D out of the demo version
Fixed an issue with soft body dynamics when object is far away from world center
Fixed a stability issue
Fixed an issue with Alembic Polygon selections
OBJ now exports the texture in the Color reflectance layer
Fixed an issue with DXF Export when objects have a “.” in their name
OBJ now optionally adds and exports randomly colored materials for objects without materials
OBJ: Alpha texture will now be imported to the Alpha channel
Fixed an issue with wrongly disabled materials channels on OBJ import
Fixed an issue with FBX export stability
Fixed an issue with component instance texture UVs in SketchUp import
Fixed an issue with texture paths and SketchUp import
Fixed an undo issue when changing Alembic settings
Fixed distorted UVs on OBJ export
Fixed an issue with the scale option in case the axis are flipped or swapped on OBJ export
Fixed an issue with Alembic and Instance Object - Render Instances
Fixed an issue with broken UVs if Flipped UV option is used on OBJ export
Adapted the OBJ exporter to overcome some limitations of 3ds Max and Maya OBJ importers
The OBJ import options Flip and Swap axes do not flip the faces anymore.
Fixed an issue with OBJ export option Duplicate Vertices
Fixed an issue with the default preset for OBJ Exporter
Fixed an issue with Physical Sky import and SketchUp
Adapted OBJ for the future Maya versions
Fixed an issue when making Alembic splines editable
Fixed an issue with Alembic "update PSR" option being active when it shouldn't
Fixed an issue with the distribution of the materials while exporting complex hierarchies to OBJ
Fixed an undo issue when bulk changing Alembic objects
Fixed an issue with the ID of FORMAT_OBJEXPORT
Fixed an issue in OBJ exporter with UVs being outside of the canvas
Fixed a hierarchy issue when importing certain alembic files
OBJs exported out of CATIA can now be imported
Fixed an issue with merging FBX file
Upgrading FBX SDK to version 2016.1
Fixed an issue with FBX and animated textures
Fixed an issue with FBX and animated textures
Fixed an issue with FBX and rotation order
Fixed an issue with FBX and joint falloff
Fixed an issue with multiple UV sets and smoothing groups
Fixed an issue with baking deformations
Fixed an issue with FBX and normals
Fixed an issue with FBX and camera export
Fixed an issue with FBX and camera fov
Fixed an issue with FBX and Clean Tracks option
Fixed an issue with FBX and animated takes
Fixed an issue with FBX stability
Updated Houdini Engine plugin to run Houdini Engine version
Fixed an issue with creation of Houdini asset parameters on load
Fixed an issue with selection inputs of Houdini assets
Fixed an issue with a license mismatch warning
Fixed an issue the caused Houdini asset parameters to be reset on load when one was keyframed
Fixed an issue on Windows with Navigation Keys and ALT modifier
Tokens drop-down now supports the cursor position in the file path field
Fixed an issue with empty script pasting
Adding tokens no longer modifies the render path unnecessarily
Added Material override to Attribute Manager render settings
Fixed an issue with saved layout with search field open in Take Manager
Fixed an issue with lease license on OS X
Fixed an issue with scroll wheel zoom in Graph View
Fixed an issue with lens distortion post effect that caused objects to render slightly too big
Fixed a stability issue
Fixed an issue when deleting tracks
Fixed an issue with animated material preview
Corrected a text string
Fixed an issue with Variation shaders hierarchy mode
Fixed an issue with Variation shader and saving with assets
Fixed an issue with Variation shaders UVW rotation
Fixed an issue with Variation shader and Object Buffers
Fixed an issue with Texture tag Restriction parameter in Melange
Fixed an issue with Save Animation for Melange and cache
Fixed several stability issues
Fixed an issue with Spline Pen arc preview
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask and connect object
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask conversion
Fixed an issue with Knife tool rapid usage
Fixed an issue with Polygon Groups to Objects command
Fixed an issue with Spline arc segment selection
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask refresh
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask transformation refresh
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask Boolean 'Or' mode
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask exchanging input splines
Fixed an issue with Spline Arc incorrect result
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask and instances recognition
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask Boolean 'or" resulting spline
Fixed an issue with Spline Arc generation
Fixed an issue with Set Point Value naming
Fixed an issue with Boolean and legacy scenes
Fixed an issue with Connect+delete command
Fixed an issue with Poly Pen extrusion and snap precision
Fixed an issue with Create single object in generators performance
Fixed an issue with scene loading from File Manager
Fixed an issue with incorrect mesh being generated
Fixed an issue with artifacts in mesh
Fixed an issue with Spline Pen new spline and snapping
Fixed an issue with Spline Pen snapping to inactive splines
Fixed an issue with Spline Pen preview on hovering
Fixed an issue with Spline Pen highlighting inactive splines
Fixed an issue with Spline Pen RMB menu and previews
Fixed an issue with Close Polygon Hole naming
Fixed an issue with Spline Arc slice tweaking
Fixed an issue with Spline arc 360 angle value
Fixed an issue with Connect object memory release
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask unwanted transformations
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask performance loss
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask modes and scene orbiting
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask overall scene interaction
Fixed an issue with Spline Mask and Alembic assets
Fixed an issue with Poly Pen strip mode and new object creation
Fixed an issue with Poly Pen edge removal artefacts
Fixed an issue with Poly Pen double-click triggering undo
Fixed an issue with Spline Booleans and Spline deformer
Fixed an issue with lost annotation tags when making a cloner editable.
Fixed an issue with Alembic camera switching animation
Fixed an issue with undo in layers
Fixed an issue with layer conversion undo redo
Fixed an issue with convert Layer to keyframes
Fixed an issue with Connect command used on parametric objects
Fixed an issue with Connect command used on primitive splines
Fixed an issue with Platonic object axis
Fixed an issue with Hemisphere bounding box
Fixed an issue with Icosa platonic size
Fixed an issue with Pyramid missing Phong tag
Fixed several cosmetic issues
Fixed an issue with OSX spotlight index
Fixed an issue with display of OpenGL capabilities
Fixed several stability and performance issues
Fixed an issue with Picture Viewer and drag-and-drop
Fixed an issue with Picture Viewer stability
Fixed an issue with the display of OpenGL requirements
Added IsTakeRenderRunning() and StopTakeRender()
Added CKey.GetAutomaticTangentMode()/SetAutomaticTangentMode() and CKey.SetTimeLeftAdjustValue()/SetTimeRightAdjustValue()
Added fps Parameter for CCurve and CTrack GetValue()
Added missing Settings parameter to GeDialog.AddColorChooser()
Added Quaternion class and related functions
Added BaseDocument.GetTargetObject()/SetTargetObject()
Added optional parameter 'deselectAll' to BaseSelect.SelectAll()
Added GeGetDummyThread() and GeGetEscTestThread() functions
Added DescID.GetHashCode()
Added GvPort.GetUserData()/SetUserData()
Added PaintTexture.SetColorProfile()/GetColorProfile()
Added TreeViewCustomGui.GetVisibleScrollArea()/GetVisibleLineCount()
Added InitSpline() implementations, GetLineObject(), GetPointMatrix() and GetDirty()
Added new c4d_tools functions
Added support for SculptBrush MouseData + BrushDabData.GetOriginalVertexNormals()
Fixed an issue with GetJointRestState
Fixed an issue with GetOverrideGroups()
Fixed an issue with BaseOverrideGroup.AddTag
Fixed an issue with BaseOverrideGroup.Find()
Fixed an issue with BaseOverrideGroup.GetObjectsInGroup()
Fixed an issue with TakeData.InsertTake() 'destTake'
Fixed an issue with BaseTake.AutoTake() 'node' and 'undo' parameters
Fixed an issue with BaseTake.FindOverride() 'node'
Fixed an issue with BaseTake.DeleteOverrideGroup() 'og' parameter
Fixed an issue with BaseTake.SetCamera() 'camera' parameter
Fixed an issue with BaseTake.SetRenderData() 'camera' parameter
Fixed an issue with BaseTake.Reset()
Fixed an issue with ByteSeq and operator
Fixed an issue with TakeData.InsertTake()
Fixed an issue with BaseDocument.DoUndo()
Fixed an issue with FilenameSlicePath()
Fixed an issue with c4d.Vector precision of y and z component
Fixed an issue with c4d.utils.BooleanSplines
Fixed an issue with c4d.utils.CalcSplineDefaultTangents
Fixed an issue with CKey.GetClone()
Fixed an issue with rendering Content Browser file
Fixed an issue with Radiosity Maps differences across operating systems
Fixed a stability issue
Fixed an issue with adding of the Material Transparency Pass
Fixed an issue with Preview Rendering and QuickTime on OS X
Fixed an issue with Irradiance Cache and orthogonal views
Fixed a render issue with the Spot shader
Fixed an issue with resetting defaults for the Spot shader
Strokes are now enabled by default for Sketch and Toon materials
Fixed an issue with and undo after running Python script
Fixed an issue with excluding Subsurface Scattering shader in Material Override with Physical Renderer
Added the possibility to rename the Main Takes
Fixed an issue with refresh of Take Manager and Group Overrides
Fixed an issue with QuickTime format and rendering to subfolders
Fixed an issue with copying of takes including Child takes
Fixed an issue with the pop-up windows of presets
Fixed an issue with with keyframing and unlocked Overrides
Fixed an issue with drag-and-drop of Child takes
Fixed an issue with line breaks in pasted file names
Fixed an issue with Material Override and Physical Sky
Fixed an issue with overridden copied shaders after being changed
Fixed several stability issues
Fixed an issue with malformed preferences
Fixed an issue with GlobaI Illumination caches and animation
Fixed an issue with rendering Marked Takes and missing assets
Fixed an issue with rendering Marked/All Takes and subfolders in pathnames
Fixed an issue with Marked Takes and sub-folder Tokens
Fixed a performance issue
Fixed an issue with the repository drive running out of space
Fixed an issue with blocked webserver port
Fixed an issue with display of wrong error message when clients go offline
Fixed an issue with machine list not showing "wrong version"
Fixed an issue with absolute windows paths and assembling with QuickTime format
Fixed an issue with clearing results while zipping
Fixed an issue with the preview image of .mov results
Fixed an issue with subfolders and QuickTime format
Graph scale limit increased in Timeline editor
Clamp option is turned off by default
Fixed a display issue of the mini F-Curve
Fixed an issue with undo and subsequent performance
Fixed an issue with Unicode support
Fixed an issue with XPresso color preferences
Fixed an issue with Cineware and purge memory
Fixed an issue with Revert to Saved
Fixed an issue with Render Queue log information with TR and Multi-Passes
Fixed an issue with Update Merge and Vectorworks
Fixed an issue with ArchiCAD 18 Scene Combine Tool with no object selected
Fixed an issue with pi2inv and pi05inv constants
ArchiCAD 18 Scene Combine has been renamed to ArchiCAD 18+ Scene Combine
Fixed an issue with Windows 10 being displayed as Windows 8 in Team Render Server
Fixed an issue with connecting clouds
Fixed an issue with the font preview on OS X .
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