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مشاهده : 1340 , پاسخ ها : 1
موضوع: کلیدهای میانبر در فتوشاپ

  1. #1

    محمدکمیل آنلاین نیست.
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    کلیدهای میانبر در فتوشاپ

    کلید های میانبر در فتو شاپ / امیدوارم بدردتون بخوره

    ctrl+n = new
    ctrl+o = open
    ctrl+ w= close
    ctrl+ s = save
    ctrl+ z = undo
    ctrl+c = copy
    ctrl+x = cut
    ctrl+ v = paste
    ctrl+ f = paste in front
    ctrl + b = paste in back
    ctrl+ a = select all
    ctrl+ d = transform again
    ctrl+ ] = bring forward
    ctrl+ [ = send backward
    ctrl+ g = group
    ctrl+ 2 = lock
    ctrl+ 3 = hide selection
    ctrl+ j = join
    ctrl+ 7 = make
    ctrl+ t = character
    ctrl+ m = paragraph
    ctrl+ e = apply last fillter
    ctrl+ y = outline
    ctrl+ h = hide edge
    ctrl+ 0 = fit in window
    ctrl+ 1 = actual size
    ctrl+ r = show rulers
    ctrl+ u = smart guides
    ctrl+ " = show gride
    ctrl+ - = zoom out
    ctrl+ + = zoom in
    ctrl+ k = general
    ctrl+ shift + s = save as
    ctrl+ shift + p = print setup
    ctrl+shift + z = redo
    ctrl+shift + a = deselect
    ctrl+shift + m = move
    ctrl+shift + g = ungroup
    ctrl+shift + t = tab rulers
    ctrl+shift + o = creat outline
    ctrl+shift + e = applay last effect
    ctrl+shift + w = hide template
    ctrl+shift + b = hide bunding box
    ctrl+shift + " = snap to gride
    ctrl+alt + s = save as copy
    ctrl+alt + p = document setup
    ctrl+alt + 2 = unlock all
    ctrl+alt + 3 = show all
    ctrl+alt + j = average
    ctrl+alt + b = make
    ctrl+alt + 7 = relaese
    ctrl+alt + 8 = release
    ctrl+alt + e = last fillter
    ctrl+alt + " = sanp to point
    shift f1 = help
    shift f7= show align
    shift f6= apperance
    shift f9 = pathfinder
    shift f5 = show style
    shift f10 = trancparency
    shift f8 = transform
    f5 = show brush
    f6 = show color
    f7 = hide layers
    f8 = show info
    f9 = show gradiant
    f10 = show stroke
    f11 = show attributes

    توضیحات بیشتر برای میانبر ها

    CTRL+O = Open file
    CTRL+N = New file
    CTRL+W = Close file (watch out for not mixing with CTRL+Q!!)
    CTRL+S = Save file
    CTRL+SHIFT+S = Save file As
    CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S = Save for web
    CTRL+Q = Quit photoshop
    CTRL+A = Select all
    CTRL+D = Deselect
    CTRL+E = Merge Down (more about layers later on..)
    CTRL+R = Rulers visible (the things you drag guidelines out from..)
    CTRL+T = Transform selection (Scale and rotate..)
    CTRL+U = Change image Hue, Saturation and Lightness
    CTRL+I = Inverse
    CTRL+F = Repeat last used filter
    CTRL+K = Preferences
    CTRL+L = Levels
    CTRL+Z = Undo (something you just can´t live without. Fact.)
    CTRL+X = Cut
    CTRL+C = Copy
    CTRL+V = Paste
    CTRL+B = Color balance
    CTRL+M = Curves
    CTRL+Space = Zoom In
    CTRL+ALT+Space = Zoom Out
    D = Set Colors to Default
    X = Change Foreground color with Background color

    CTRL+SHIFT+E = Flatten image
    CTRL+SHIFT+T = Transform again
    CTRL+SHIFT+U = Desaturate (make image black & white)
    CTRL+SHIFT+I = Inverse selection (usefulnes=100000)
    CTRL+SHIFT+P = Page setup
    CTRL+SHIFT+D = Reselect
    CTRL+SHIFT+F = Fade last filter..or thing you just did.. (works on alot of things)
    CTRL+SHIFT+L = Auto levels
    CTRL+SHIFT+Z = Redo
    CTRL+SHIFT+N = New layerCTRL+ALT+0 = Actual pixels ("zooms" to 100%)
    CTRL+ALT+O = Open As
    CTRL+ALT+S = Save a Copy
    CTRL+ALT+D = Feather selection
    CTRL+ALT+F = Last filter, only you get to choose the stuff!!
    CTRL+ALT+L = Auto levels, and... you get to choose.
    CTRL+ALT+Z = History back (you´ve got to know this one!!!!)
    CTRL+ALT+B = Auto-color-balance
    CTRL+ALT+M = Auto-Curves

    CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Q = Quit photoshop..without asking anything!
    CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E = Flatten image to active layer (useful, if you´re not a beginner)
    ??? ???? ?? ??????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ????? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ? ??? ?? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ????.

  2. #2
    خیلی خوبه...مرسی...

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    ویرایش توسط BigJake : 10-07-15 در ساعت 22:45

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