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مشاهده : 6657 , پاسخ ها : 2
موضوع: 11 آموزش حرفه ای افتر افکت

  1. #1

    Hadipour آنلاین نیست.
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    Cool 11 آموزش حرفه ای افتر افکت

    After Effects Tutorials

    Glass Orbs
    In this tutorial you will learn how to use After Effects to create shiny glass orbs in 3D and Create a spherical and reflection map from images.

    Jumbotron Column
    In this extended tutorial learn how to identify the field order of footage and interpret it collectly; create a realistic Jumbotron-style look using CC Ball Action, Glow, Levels and Curves; turn the jumbotron into a 3D column mounted on grungy wire mesh using Zaxwerks 3D Layer Warps.

    The Dark Knight
    In this 30 minute tutorial you’ll learn techniques and workflow used in Adobe After Effects and Illustrator to create the dramatic effect of the Batman icon shattering apart revealing a bright light source behind.

    After Effects: Explosive TV promo graphics
    In this screen capture of a recent Adobe After Effects e-seminar learn how Adobe Illustrator and Maxon Cinema 4D were used, along with stock footage from Video Copilot’s Action Essentials 2, to create explosive TV promo graphics.

    Lightning Strike
    In this tutorial you will learn how to Add Rain & Atmosphere then build a Lightning Bolt and hwo to use Action Essentials 2 and make Sam explode

    Here you will learn how to build a furious procedural Disintegration effect in AE and Use displacement, turbulence and particle world.

    Create a Sci-Fi Movie Title Sequence
    This tutorial covers the creation of a space-like si-fi title sequence from scratch. Michael shows us how you can easily create a visually interesting and impressive title animation with some simple title cards and text animation.

    The Birth Of A Logo
    There was an explosion of characters and thus the Logo was born. In this tutorial we’ll be using some of the new options of Trapcode Particular 2 as well as some techniques with Trapcode Form to create an epic depiction of the first logo in history.

    Motion Typo Act.1: Tutorial video animation typography
    In this tutorial We are going to learn to give life to our text, animating each word in a rhythmic animation, you will find a lot of things in this detailed tutorial.

    Create a MoGraph Urban Jungle
    In this tutorial Naim Alwan ventures outside of After Effects for a little bit of 3D Matchmoving to create this stunning Urban Jungle effect where vector graphics are perfectly tracked to some city footage.

    Animated Swirls in Adobe After Effects
    Animated swirls are all the rage in the motion graphics world, and there are some pretty cool things that can be done with them. But creating and animating such elements is really not as difficult and time-consuming as it would seem, even if the shapes are detailed and intricate. Bring on the swirls!
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    m6ghorbani آنلاین نیست.
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    دوستیابی برای رابطه جنسی" تازه سازی و جولانس به عنوان "دوستیابی برای جنسیت" است.

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